[A&F Life Japan] is an on-line store introducing the traditional culture of Japan to the world. We offer a variety of quality authentic products.

Shopping Guide


Bank Transfer

Bank: The San-in Godo Bank
Branch: Kishimoto branch
Account Type: Savings Account
Account #: 2180567
Name: A&F Ltd. Hiroyuki Kameyama

Bank Address:10-7 Yoshinaga, Hoki-cho, Saihaku-gun, Tottori Prefecture 689-4133 Japan A&F Ltd. Address:1006-2, Miyahara, Hoki-cho, Saihaku-gun, Tottori Prefecture 689-4206 Japan

(1) Shipping fees are not included in the price at order placement. Shipping fees will be calculated after order placement, and will be included in the shipping fee confirmation email.

(2) Please transfer payments to the bank account specified on the order confirmation email. Please note that transfer fees will be borne by the customer. (Orders not paid for in full – including shipping fees – within 15 days of order placement will be cancelled.)


(1) Shipping fees are not included in the price at order placement.
Shipping fees will be calculated after order placement, and will be included in the shipping fee confirmation email.

(2) Please settle payment in two steps.
1. Payment for goods; this payment does NOT include shipping fees.
2. Payment for shipping fees; A payment due notification for shipping fees will be sent to the customer from PayPal. Please settle the payment accordingly. (Orders not paid for in full – including shipping fees – within 15 days of order placement will be cancelled.)
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